Monday 16 May 2011

Digicel Broadband Internet in a League of Its Own

The lowest prices in the internet market compared to the rest of the ISPs by any stretch of the imagination.

Mobile Data Plans
Monthly Fee
Data Bundle in MB
Out of Bundle Rate per MB
Black Berry
Other Devices
Peak Hours
(8am to 8pm)
Off Peak Hours
(8pm to 8am)
Pay as you Go
Data Silver

The Digicel broadband internet dongle is "in a league of its own" for the following reasons:
1.       Doesn’t give any installation and network connectivity bugs unlike the BeMobile dongle.
2.       Downloading speeds is way superior to any ISP in town.  For instance, it takes 10 minutes to download an 11MB file from the internet over a corporate network with an average ISP whilst it took less than 2 minutes to download the same file via Digicel’s broadband network using the broadband dongle.
3.       In terms of cost Digicel’s broadband internet @ 22toea per megabyte at peak hours and 16toea for off peak hours is the cheapest in town for prepaid access compared to rest of the ISPs. Even better, ISPs or individuals can sign up for Digicel’s postpaid service with downloads @ 11toea per megabyte.
4.       The Digicel dongle also has features for users to send/receive SMS messages. This is the most fantastic feature in an office setting where sending an SMS text message or storing contacts is as easy as sending an email.

Telikom’s dongle in terms of speed and cost is neck and neck with Digicel. However, its CDMA SMS feature doesn’t have interconnectivity with Digicel and BeMobile one is not able to send SMS messages to mobile phones. SMSes can only be sent to Telikom’s CDMA devices including handsets and devices.

BeMobile was doing very well and should have been the first to introduce mobile hotspots on Huawei mobile handsets or introduced Huawei MiFi devices that can provide wireless hotspots within a radius of 10 meters. It has missed an opportunity to compete with Digicel on level playing ground and now will play catch up.

Digicel’s Broadband internet is a big win for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in Port Moresby, Lae, Hagen and Kokopo for its affordability and the added benefit to send and receive SMS messages just like how emails work.  Digicel's rates are comparable to at least the expensive or high level rates in the Australian internet market.

BeMobile should consider buying a struggling ISP so that it can do the whole caboodle in communications from voice to data and even develop its own fully pledged communications ecosystem through sale of laptops and computers so that it can compete neck and neck with Digicel/Data Nets and Telikom/Telinet. This will help to stem an expected mass exodus to Digicel for the second time. BeMobile did well by lowering its call rates to being the lowest intra-network but may have lost an opportunity to put its foot down and sell its internet dongle products in developing its internet service business as a differentiation factor from Digicel.



    Monday 09th May, 2011
    Digicel launches mobile 3G Broadband

    IGICEL launched a new mobile broadband service on Friday that will make the Internet more accessible to anyone who has a 3G enabled handset.

    The high speed, 3G Broadband network will make it a lot quicker to call up websites from your mobile phone or your laptop. At the launching of Digicel Broadband, a short display of how fast a YouTube video was loaded and played right through to the end without interruptions, showed just how fast the internet was. An Internet speed test was also run by a Digicel staff on an Apple iPad 2 using Digicel Broadband, and the test showed an average speed of 500 Mega bits per second (Mbps) through the 3G Broadband access.

    Post-paid users will be paying 11Toea per Megabyte, while prepaid customers will pay 33 Toea per Megabyte during peak, which is from 8am to 8pm and 25 Toea during off peak, which is from 8pm to 8am.

    Connecting to the internet through Digicel Broadband is possible through tablet PCs, such as the iPad 2 and the ZTE V9 Light, laptops with a simple Digicel USB plug-in modem, or using the “MiFi” option which can cater for five PCs at any one time.

    Digicel Broadband will initially be available in the highly populated centres; Port Moresby, Lae, Mount Hagen and Kokopo.

    “Digicel continues to lead the way in communications in PNG and our Digicel Broadband solution will provide customers with unrivalled convenience, high speed access and great value broadband internet connectivity,” Digicel PNG chief executive officer, John Mangos said.
    PNG is recognised as having one of the lowest internet penetrations in the world, and the Digicel Broadband aims to make high speed internet affordable and accessible.

    Mr Mangos said recent research from CESifo suggest that a 10 per cent increase in broadband penetration can help to raise annual per capita GDP growth by 0.9 to 1.5 percentage points.

    CESifo Group is made up of the Centre for Economic Studies (CES), the Ifo Institute for Economic Research and the CESifo GmbH (Munich Society for the Promotion of Economic Research)., is a group unique in Europe in the area of economic research.

    Telikom Announces New Prices for EVDO Dongle
    March 17 2011

    Don’t you just love competition. So Telikom not to be outdone by Digicel have swung in with their broadband USB modem. Digicel currently charges K1.99/MB. Telikom’s offering below is 29toea/MB.

    Also a cost of a Telikom USB modem is K120.00 and a Digicel one is K146.00, (not including the cost of a SIM card which is bought seperately).

    Now before you go rushing into Telikom to buy their USB modem just a word of caution, over the weekend we sponsored the website for the PNG Golf Open. Part of our sponsorship involved updating the golf scores every 5 minutes or so as each golfer moved through each hole, which meant that we had to be online for pretty much the whole day.

    The initial plan was to use Daltrons AirSpot WiFi service at the Golf Club, but from past experience from using AirSpot at the Holiday Inn, you can easily burn through a K100 card in one hour.

    So we decided to try Telikom’s USB Modem. Although it initially worked for about 10 minutes our attempts to get it working after that were to no avail and we simply grew frustrated and gave up. So we ended up buying a Digicel USB modem which we were able to setup in about 3 minutes and we were then online with no issues at some impressive speeds.

    On our busiest day on Sunday which involved updating the results to the Golf website plus facebook and twitter we would have spent about K10 all day. I’m not saying Digicel is the only solution to go by as other Telikom USB users have said that they have had good experiences with their services, but just as many people also complained about the unreliability of Telikom’s service. So in the end we just had to go with who was more reliable.

    To be fair to Telikom, their 24/7 customer care number 3456789 does actually work and unlike Digicel I do prefer speaking to a real person as opposed to going through a menu of selections on a machine.
